Back To CMS... What title should I ask my Authors?

Dear Publishers,

Contentmarketingsuite continues working for you. Many of you ask for support to identify new titles to be requested based on areas of interest or keywords. The new "Titles Tip" section answers this need:

  • Title Tip By entering the keywords of interest, you can receive tips of titles, articles and news to be immediately requested from our authors. The Tool contains the most recent articles and better indexed by search engines for the indicated keyword If the title is interesting, you can immediately send it in writing, specifying Project, Guideline, Formatting and any other details. The Tool is in its Beta phase. 5 searches per customer per day are currently available.If you think you might need more queries contact us.
  • RSS Title Tip The RSS service has been improved making it easier to use. If a site is a reference for you you can include it within your RSS on Contentmarketingsuite and receive all the titles of articles you publish every day.

You can then decide which title to suggest to our Authors. Try our Content Marketing Automation. #Contentmarketingsuite #Contents 

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