Increase your visibility and profitability with the new CMS Editorial Staff

As of today the publishers have a new face.
It will not only be 3 and 4-star authors to be involved in special groups, but copywriters of every sort, filtered on the basis of different criteria (number of accepted items, category, place, date of registration, etc.). Customers will choose you in complete autonomy and decide whether to work with you.

The remuneration within the circles will be 0.012 per word, with the possibility to take charge of a larger number of articles;)

But it does not end here: to make more and more stimulating your work editors can decide to give you a incentive bonus for each job.
You will receive an email alert every time you have an interesting proposal and you can choose whether or not to participate. 

Keep an eye on your list of articles and take charge of those you feel ready for!

Keep up the good work,
from all Contentmarketingsuite staff

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