No more economic penalties: find out how it works today

To all Authors,
Contentmarketingsuite is back with more news.

As of today, economic penalties from refusals, abandonment, non-compliance with expected deadlines, will not exist anymore!

These matters will continue to affect your score and will in any case be decisive for your virtuous platform journey.

How does it work?

  •  The first 3 penalties for the same publisher involve the temporary exclusion from all projects
  • 5 penalties, however, determine the permanent exclusion


All requests for corrections (starting from the third one) foresee only a deduction on the score, but no impact on the visibility of articles and therefore on your earnings.

Can penalties be recovered? Of course!

The system automatically allows you to recover penalties based on the number of items accepted for that particular customer.

We always advise you to work with publishers of subject areas where you feel confident and for projects that meet your needs and those of the client. There is so much availability of articles, you just need to read the briefings well and choose carefully.

Keep up the good work,
from all Contentmarketingsuite staff

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